Network (Floating) License Server Supported OSs and required FLEX version

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QuestionWhich OS is needed to run a license server, and which version of the service is needed?
The version of the FLEX License Server/Service is dependent on the version of STK or ODTK licenses to be served.
FlexNet v11.17.2 or higher is required if you have STKv12.2.
FlexNet v11.16.2.1 or higher is required if you have STKv11.6-STKv12.1, or ODTKv6.6.1 or later licenses.
FlexNet v11.14.1.2 or higher is required if you have STKv11.3 - STKv11.5 licenses.
FlexNet v11.13 or higher is required if you have STKv11.0 - STKv11.2 licenses.
FlexNet v11.9 or higher is required if you have STKv10.x licenses.

Refer to the FAQ called How to review your network installation set up, specifically Step 1: Verify service and daemon version on the license server, to find the current version of FLEX installed.

You can find the FlexLM License Server at the root of the latest install DVDs in STK_License_Server, or you can download it individually from the AGI online SOFTWARE DOWNLOADS page, in STK License Server under the 'Other' tab.
TitleNetwork (Floating) License Server Supported OSs and required FLEX version
URL NameSTK-11-Network-Floating-License-Server-Supported-Operating-Systems

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