How Do I Compute a Bent Pipe Chain Coverage?

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QuestionHow do I compute a Bent Pipe Chain Coverage?
  1. Create a chain with an analog transponder (i.e., a Source Transmitter, a Receiver, a ReTransmitter, and another Receiver).
  2.  Assume the last link, between ReTransmitter and the second Receiver, is the link of interest.
  3.  Generate the Bent Pipe Comm Link report for this Chain. Use the Power, Gain, and Frequency of the last link in the chain (e.g., Xmtr Power2, Xmtr Gain2, Rcvd. Frequency2) as inputs to a "new" Medium Source Transmitter - Coverage Asset.
  4.  Use the last receiver in the chain as the receiver to use as the Coverage Grid Constraint Object.
  5.  Compute Coverage and generate Coverage reports as desired.

Also, refer to How do I Use a Transponder in an Interference Analysis?.
TitleHow Do I Compute a Bent Pipe Chain Coverage?
URL NameHow-do-I-compute-a-Bent-Pipe-Chain-Coverage

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